Hello friends! The weather finally decided to cooperate with me so that I could get some painting done. Today I bring you the red bed. I had quite the time with the red spray paint. In fact, it was almost a disaster. But before I get into that let me show you the before picture.
This is a twin size bed, manufactured by Dixie Furniture, and purchased by yours truly at the local Goodwill for $19.91. While it looks decent in the picture, it was in pretty bad shape with lots of dings and scratches on it--especially on the footboard.
Unlike my previous spray paint adventures, this time I decided to choose my bedding first and then choose my spray paint. I chose the
Echo Jaipur comforter set. Since the room itself is a pale yellow I decided to focus on the red.
It was tough finding the right shade of red. Most were too bright, some were too pink. I even took the fabric to a big box store and asked them if they could match the red. (Apparently you can't pull colors off of fabric, although that's not what the advertisements say.) I eventually ended up finding Krylon Tomato gloss spray paint at Home Depot.

I purchased two cans thinking it would surely be enough to do a twin size bed. Wrong! I don't know if it was the Kryon paint or the red color but this spray paint had awful coverage. It took a whole can just to do the footboard. Also, apparently red shows up every little scratch and ding so I had to resand the footboard after the first round of spray painting. I knew the one can I had left wouldn't do the job so back to Home Depot I went. Much to my chagrin in the two weeks since I had last been there they had stopped carrying Krylon!! Just my luck. I went to Hobby Lobby, Joanne's, Michael's, KMart, Wal-Mart, Ace. They all had Krylon, but none of them carried this color. I called Sherwin Williams and they could order it for me but I had to purchase a case, which was 6 cans. I finally found it on Amazon but had to pay pretty outrageous shipping prices. In hindsight I would have actually been better off to get the case from Sherwin Williams and try to sell MY extra cans on Amazon. But I digress, the spray paint finally arrived, the weather cleared up, and I was able to return to the task at hand.
I neglected to take a picture of the bed with the spray painting alone but just know that this red is pretty and bright. It's definitely not a color to use if you don't want to draw attention to something. I decided early on that I was going to glaze this piece because of all the nooks and crannies just begging to be showcased. I chose a black glaze, specifically Martha Stewart Metallic Glaze in Black Coffee.
This glaze was so SIMPLE to use. I've used a paste type wax before and it wasn't nearly as easy as this. Be warned, it is quite messy. I had glaze all over my hands by the time I was finished. Luckily, it washes off easily with a little soap and water. Here is the after shot.
And here are some close up shots of those wonderful details.
I wish I could show you what the bed looks like with the comforter on it, but alas, I still have to buy a twin size mattress set.
Update! I have finally bought the mattress and here is a picture of the completed bed. Joy!
I'm partying here:
Furniture Feature Friday at Miss Mustard Seed
Frugal Friday at The Shabby Nest
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Feathered Nest Friday at French Country Cottage
ThriftyThings Friday at The Thrifty Groove
Inspiration Friday at At the Picket Fence
Latest and Greatest Friday at Days of Chalk and Chocolate
Debbie Doo's Newbie Monday
Nifty Thrifty Sunday at Nifty Thrifty Things
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday at Coastal Charm
Piece of Work Wednesday at Primitive and Proper
Power of Paint Party at Domestically Speaking
Transformation Thursday at Shabby Creek Cottage